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ई थीम 2 साल से अधिक समय से अपडेट नइखे भइल। हो सके ला कि अब एकर रखरखाव आऊर विकास ना कइल जा रहल होखीं, जे कारण से ई भी हो सके ला की वर्डप्रेस के अउरी हालिया संस्करण सभ के साथ इस्तेमाल कइला पर कहीं संगतता के समस्या खड़ा होयी।

Community theme

This theme is developed and supported by a community. Contribute to this theme

  • Version 2.1.1
  • Last updated दिसम्बर 23, 2022
  • Active installations 1,000+
  • PHP version 5.4

McLuhan is a clean, simple and lightweight WordPress theme, featuring a front page with a complete post archive arranged by year rather than a traditional blog flow. It also sports fully customizable background colors for the sidebar and content, Block Editor/Gutenberg support, a responsive design, social network links with icons, an AJAX-powered mobile search with instant results, a resume page template and a full-width template. Demo: https://andersnoren.se/themes/mcluhan/

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अभी उपयोग में बा: 1,000+


5 out of 5 stars.


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This theme is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English (US), Español, Español de México, Español de Venezuela, Italiano, Nederlands, and Русский.

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