ई थीम 2 साल से अधिक समय से अपडेट नइखे भइल। हो सके ला कि अब एकर रखरखाव आऊर विकास ना कइल जा रहल होखीं, जे कारण से ई भी हो सके ला की वर्डप्रेस के अउरी हालिया संस्करण सभ के साथ इस्तेमाल कइला पर कहीं संगतता के समस्या खड़ा होयी।
Tyros is a WooCommerce-ready, modern, and responsive theme that is perfect for businesses, organizations, professional free-lancers, and other individuals looking to make a great first impression. Tyros comes with a full-width slider, over 600 Font Awesome icons, highly customizable and user-friendly options, and a very appealing homepage design. It has callouts to make your products & services stand out, and comes with multiple color options, as well as numerous sidebar widget areas.
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